Tuesday 19 April 2022

Forgive them, for they know not what they do?

These words that Jesus spoke on the cross, are quite profound - even at a simple level. And when you dig deeper, they are even more incredible.

Here, on the cross, Jesus was suffering - he had committed no sin, yet had been persecuted, sentenced to death, physically assaulted, in immense pain and anguish.

Yet, he did not seek revenge, he did not direct his anger, if indeed there was any, outward to anyone else. He didn't call for anybody else to suffer, and he didn't complain about how unfairly he was treated.

How many of us, as we live our lives, face injustice, humiliation, bad treatment or receive criticism? Yet unlike Jesus, we engage in whataboutism, we point out the sins of others, we justify our own behaviour based on what someone else has done to us. Someone wounds us, we cut off contact.

It doesn't matter what somneone else does. What we do is we hold our head up high, we face God, we hand over these issues that plague us, the resentment, the animosity, and we live our life right. Other people's behaviour don't matter. Ours does.

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